Non NHS Services

Private Work Fees

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability. 

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

Our GP’s will not sign passports or validate photographs.

Why do GP’s charge fees?

The National Health Service provides most health care to most people free of charge, but there are exceptions.

In some cases, dental fees for example, these are to cover the cost of treatment.  In other cases, the charges are because the cost is not covered by the NHS; for example, medical reports for private companies (Life Assurance/Insurance), claims on cancelled holidays, examinations related to an occupation.  All of these examples are not related to clinical matters and, as such, are not part of the General Practitioner’s contract with the NHS.  As the Government is paying for the GP to be delivering NHS work, it is inappropriate that this contracted time is spent doing work that goes beyond NHS work in this time.  It is for this reason that the GP must charge.

What is covered by the NHS and what is not?

The contract between the Government and the GP practice covers medical services to NHS Patients.  Regrettably, more and more organisations have been involving doctors in work that goes beyond this service.  Oftentimes, GPs are asked because they are deemed as a person of trust in the community, or because an insurance company, or employer, wants to be sure that the information provided is true, or accurate. 

Examples of non-NHS services:

  • Certain travel vaccinations
  • Holiday cancellation forms
  • Private medical insurance reports
  • Private sick certificates
  • Letters for Gym membership
  • Letters stating unfit for examinations, or sport


Why does it sometimes take my GP a long time to complete my form?

The GP is contracted to provide NHS work in the first instance, and therefore non-NHS work needs to be undertaken outside of this contract time.

GPs roles are not typical 9- 5 jobs.  There is a lot more work, behind the scenes beyond just consulting with the patient. There are hospital referrals to write, on behalf of patients, and responses to read from Consultants.  There are test results to process, and to action, and medication to review and to prescribe. 

In addition, in needs to be remembered that a GP is under a stipulation from the General Medical Council, that anything they sign must be known to be true.  As such, a GP cannot simply sign a letter or report, without reviewing the patient’s record, and assuring themselves that the information that they are declaring is supported by documented fact. 


Our private fees are calculated on the time involved in undertaking the average of these types of letters.  We do undertake periodic review, and compare our fees with other practices, both local and national to try and be fair with our charges; however our primary service is NHS work and only offer private work, as a convenience to patients.

In most cases, there is no obligation for you to use the services of this surgery for you private work, and other (private) doctors and organisations can be used.  It may also be cheaper to do this, as some organisations specialise in providing specific services and at competitive prices (HGV, PCV medicals for example).   

Patient requestFeeMaximum time (working
Extract / Copy from OWN medical records (specific details required patient – form to be completed)No Fee20 days
Full Copy of OWN medical records (specific details required patient – form to be completed)No Fee25 days
Letter confirming registration (no clinical details)£155 days
Certificates (private sick certificate)£3015 days
Private Letter,regarding care and if GP supports position (Parking Permit, Housing, PIP)£3020 days
Private Letter – Incapacity to perform specific activity£3020 days
Private Letter – Fit to: fly, school, sport, gym, perform£3020 days
Holiday Cancellation form£3020 days
Holiday Cancellation Examination and Report£15020 days
Police Occupational Health Form (single sided)£4020 days
Police Form (Shotgun Licence Application)£6520 days
OFSTED, Child minding form£3220 days
Medical Examinations (HGV/PCV/Taxi, Seat belt exemption, sports, private, holiday cancellation)£15020 days
Medical Report – No examination (Insurance Claim, Police Form – No Examination)£6520 days
Adoption / Fostering – Assessment£200 
Adoption / Fostering – Update£70 

Non-NHS Work and Refund Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures and guidelines for handling non-NHS work, including the preparation of letters, reports, and other administrative tasks, and to clarify the practice’s position on refunds for these services.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all non-NHS work provided by the practice, including but not limited to:

  • Medical reports and letters
  • Insurance forms
  • Travel vaccinations
  • Occupational health services

3. Non-NHS Work

  • Non-NHS work refers to services that are not covered by NHS funding and are provided on a private basis.
  • Patients will be informed of any fees associated with non-NHS work prior to the service being provided.
  • A list of fees for common non-NHS services is available at the reception and on the practice website.

4. Payment

  • Payment for non-NHS work is required at the time of request or prior to the completion of the service.
  • Accepted payment methods include cash and bank transfer.

5. Refund Policy

  • Once a non-NHS service has been completed, refunds will not be issued.
  • In the event of a delay or issue with the service, the practice will work with the patient to resolve the matter promptly.
  • Requests for refunds must be made in writing and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Senior Management Team.

6. Communication

  • A copy of this policy is available upon request and is displayed in the practice waiting area and on the practice website.

7. Review and Updates

  • This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and best practices.

8. Contact Information

  • For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Operations Manager.